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Protein-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

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Let’s Help You Glow Up.

Woman glows after protein-rich plasma injectionsWelcome to Advanced Dermal Health & Aesthetics, a trusted provider of non-surgical cosmetic procedures in Columbia, MD. Our wide array of services includes a unique treatment known as protein-rich plasma (PRP) injections. This innovative procedure uses the body’s natural healing properties to rejuvenate your skin and stimulate hair growth. Protein-rich plasma injections can help improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and even hair loss.

Contact us today to discover how our injections for protein-rich plasma and other non-surgical cosmetic procedures can help you achieve your desired look. We are here to help you enhance your natural beauty and boost your confidence.

What Are Protein-Rich Plasma Injections?

Protein-rich plasma injections, also known as PRP injections, are a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses the patient’s blood to promote healing and tissue regeneration. The blood is centrifuged to separate the plasma, which is rich in proteins and growth factors. This protein-rich plasma is then injected back into specific areas of the skin or scalp to stimulate natural healing and rejuvenation.

PRP injections typically involve extracting a small amount of blood from the patient’s arm and processing it to isolate the plasma, which is rich in growth factors. This plasma is then injected into specific areas of the face or scalp where rejuvenation or hair growth is desired. The growth factors in PRP stimulate collagen production, improve blood flow, and promote tissue regeneration, leading to a more youthful appearance and healthier hair growth.

Invented by Dr. Charles Runels in 2009, protein-rich plasma injections have gained popularity due to their natural approach and effectiveness in improving the skin’s texture and hair growth.

What Can Protein-Rich Plasma Injections Treat?

PRP injections are versatile and can be used for various aesthetic treatments.

Skin Rejuvenation

PRP injections can enhance the texture and tone of your skin, reduce wrinkles, and encourage the production of collagen, leading to firmer, more youthful skin.

Hair Growth

PRP injections can stimulate hair follicles, promoting new hair growth and increasing the thickness of thinning hair.

Scar Reduction

PRP injections can help improve the appearance of scars by stimulating tissue regeneration and healing.

PRP injections can also help reduce dark circles and fill in hollow areas under the eyes, giving a more rested and refreshed appearance.

The Benefits of Choosing PRP Injections

Some benefits of opting for protein-rich plasma injections include:

  • Natural – PRP injections use the patient’s blood, making it a natural, biocompatible treatment.
  • Safe – As the procedure uses your blood, there is little risk of allergic reactions or complications.
  • Effective –PRP injections have shown promising results in skin rejuvenation and hair growth, providing a non-surgical option for those seeking to enhance their appearance.
  • Minimal downtime – PRP injections do not require any recovery time, and most patients can resume their daily activities immediately after the treatment.
  • Long-lasting results – While individual results may vary, many patients have experienced long-term benefits from PRP injections with proper maintenance.
  • No side-effects – As PRP injections use your blood, there are no artificial substances or chemicals involved, reducing the risk of adverse reactions.

Most patients can resume their normal activities immediately after the procedure. Some minor swelling or redness may occur at the injection sites, but these typically subside within a few days.

The PRP Injection Process

At Advanced Dermal Health & Aesthetics, we ensure a comfortable and safe experience for our PRP injection process.

  • Blood draw – A small amount of your blood is drawn, similar to a regular blood test.
  • Separation – The blood is placed in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the rest of the blood components.
  • Preparation – The protein-rich plasma is then prepared for injection.
  • Injection – The PRP is injected into the targeted areas, using a thin needle. Topical numbing cream may be applied for added comfort.
  • Recovery – After a brief observation period, patients can leave and resume their regular activities.

Results from PRP injections are not immediate, as it takes time for the growth factors to stimulate collagen production and tissue regeneration. Most patients notice improvements in skin texture, hair growth, or scar reduction within a few weeks or months after the procedure.

Contact Advanced Dermal Health and Aesthetics Today to Learn More About PRP Injections

Discover the rejuvenating benefits of protein-rich plasma injections at Advanced Dermal Health & Aesthetics. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing an inclusive and comfortable environment for all clients. We are committed to an educational approach to our services, ensuring you understand the process and benefits of each treatment. Contact us online to schedule a consultation and learn more about our non-surgical cosmetic procedures in Columbia, Maryland. Trust us to guide you on your journey towards enhanced beauty and confidence.